Papua Special Autonomy Bill Contains 30% Education Fund and 20% Health – The House of Representatives (DPR) of the Republic of Indonesia discussed the Bill on the Second Amendment to Law Number 21 of 2001 on Special Autonomy for the Province of Papua.

Deputy Chairperson of the Special Special Autonomy Committee for Papua, Yan Permenas Mandenas, explained that the results of Panja’s work to the Special Committee had several changes and additions to the DIM. One of them is the Panja set a budget allocation for education at 30% and health at 20%.

The allocation of education and health funds in the Papua Special Autonomy Bill has indeed been in the highlight. Quoted from the DPR page, Member of the Special Autonomy Special Autonomy (Otsus) of the DPR RI, Guspardi Gaus, revealed that the realization of the education budget is currently less than 5%.

In his view, education is a very important factor to be the foundation in pursuing the accelerated growth of a region. Then, the previous allocation of the health budget in the Papua Special Autonomy Law was only 17%, now it has been revised to 20%.

Up to 2021, the central government has disbursed funds of Rp 138.65 trillion. According to member of Special Committee for the Otsus of Papua Trifena M Tinal, the fund has increased many times since it was first disbursed in 2002, amounting to only Rp 1.38 trillion.

Previously, in February 2020, the government recorded a total disbursement of Rp 126.99 trillion for Papua and West Papua.

Deputy Minister of Finance (Wamenkeu) Suahasil Nazara said the total autonomy fund received by Papua was Rp. 93.05 trillion and West Papua was Rp. 33.94 trillion. The total funds have been disbursed in the period 2002-2020 or 18 years ago.

“For additional infrastructure funds (DTI) if you add up the Papua Special Autonomy plus DTI funds from 2002 to 2020, the total is Rp. 93.05 trillion. Meanwhile, West Papua’s Otsus started from 2009 is Rp. 33.94 trillion,” said Suahasil in the meeting room of Committee I DPD RI, Jakarta, at that time.

At that time, the allocation of funds for the health sector, Papua allocated only 18.7% of special autonomy funds, or already based on the provisions in the Perdasus of 15%. Meanwhile, in West Papua, the health sector is 13.4% or already above the provisions in the Pergub, which is 10-15%.

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